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General Info

Competency and variety of contractors and additional services for Oil and Gas activities

  • MGO and Water supply
  • Drilling and Well Service Workshop
  • Workshop for production spare parts
  • General Repair and Maintenance service
  • Hazardous and nonhazardous waste handing

International Standard

  • ISO 14001, ISO 22301, ISO 45001, ISPS code
  • High level Oil and Gas safety standard for all operations
  • High Skilled level of all Labour and Supervisor

Free Zone Advantage

  • Customs clearance – short time to apply import license
  • To exempt the related tax e.g. import tax, VAT, excise tax
  • 24 hrs operation with superior security and surveilance

Strong Community CSR

  • A solid Supply Base for your people and honest governance
  • Strong Commitment, with local Community
  • Sustainable contribute to Stake Holders and Communities

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